Robotics and IoT JavaScript Framework for Embedded Systems

Listen to a wide variety of sensors or control LED's, Servos, Switches, and more with J5e. It runs onboard microcontrollers like the ESP8266 or ESP32. Your code is 100% JavaScript. It does not require node.js, a host server or a single board computer to host the app.

J5e is a device framework built upon ECMA-419, the Embedded Systems API Specification for ECMAScript. ECMA-419 provides a standard interface for accessing underlying hardware interfaces (GPIO). J5e's API is inspired and heavily influenced by the awesome Johnny-Five API which has been battle tested over quite some time.

Currently, the only provider that conforms to ECMA-419 is Moddable's IO module for XS which runs on ESP32 and ESP8266 based devices.

J5e in action

// Load a module
import LED from "j5e/led";

// Create a device instance on pin 14
const led = await new LED(14);

// Tell it to blink

Node.js CI